Is It Getting More Affordable To Buy a Home?

Is It Getting More Affordable To Buy a Home?

Over the past year or so, a lot of people have been talking about how tough it is to buy a home. And while there’s no arguing affordability is still tight, there are signs it’s starting to get a bit better and may improve even more throughout the year. Elijah de la Campa, Senior Economist at Redfinsays:

We’re slowly climbing our way out of an affordability hole, but we have a long way to go. Rates have come down from their peak and are expected to fall again by the end of the year, which should make homebuying a little more affordable and incentivize buyers to come off the sidelines.”

Here’s a look at the latest data for the three biggest factors that affect home affordability: mortgage rateshome prices, and wages.

1. Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates have been volatile this year – bouncing around in the upper 6% to low 7% range. That’s still quite a bit higher than where they were a couple of years ago. But there is a sliver of good news.

Despite the recent volatility, rates are still lower than they were last fall when they reached nearly 8%. On top of that, most experts still think they’ll come down some over the course of the year. A recent article from Bright MLS explains:

Expect rates to come down in the second half of 2024 but remain above 6% this year. Even a modest drop in rates will bring both more buyers and more sellers into the market.”

Any drop in rates can make a difference for you. When rates go down, you can afford the home you really want more easily because your monthly payment would be lower.

2. Home Prices

The second big factor to think about is home prices. Most experts project they’ll keep going up this year, but at a more normal pace. That’s because there are more homes on the market this year, but still not enough for everyone who wants to buy one. The graph below shows the latest 2024 home price forecasts from seven different organizations:

2024 Home Price Forecasts

These forecasts are actually good news for you because it means the prices aren’t likely to shoot up sky high like they did during the pandemic. That doesn’t mean they’re going to fall – they’ll just rise at a slower pace.

3. Wages

One factor helping affordability right now is the fact that wages are rising. The graph below uses data from the Federal Reserve to show how wages have been growing over time:

Wages Climbing at a Faster Pace

Check out the blue dotted line. That shows how wages typically rise. If you look at the right side of the graph, you’ll see wages are climbing even faster than normal right now.

Here’s how this helps you. If your income has increased, it’s easier to afford a home because you don’t have to spend as big of a percentage of your paycheck on your monthly mortgage payment.

Bottom Line

If you stack these factors up, you’ll see mortgage rates are still projected to come down a bit later this year, home prices are going up at a more moderate pace, and wages are growing quicker than normal. Those trends are a good sign for your ability to afford a home.

About the Author
Stephanie Miller, Living Local Nashville Realtor

Stephanie Miller is a Nashville native with an extensive background in the local real estate industry and is excited to use that experience to help you achieve your homeownership and investment goals! 

With family deeply rooted in the Nashville area since the early 1800’s and entrepreneurship ingrained in her by generations of small business owners, home builders, restauranteurs, and pioneers in their industries, it should come as no surprise that she truly loves her hometown and the opportunity to serve the residents of Middle Tennessee while continuing a tradition of entrepreneurship through a family business. 

She has over two decades of experience working for some of Nashville's top real estate teams, effectively marketing thousands of homes in every price point and creating systems to streamline the real estate process. She has gained invaluable knowledge and insight along the way and her favorite opportunity thus far is working alongside her dad, Ron Rice, combining their experience to serve all of their family, friends, and clients together. 

Stephanie lives in Wilson County with her husband Jason, two sons who are both very active in Scouts, and two rescue dogs. 

2012 - 2013    McFarlin Pointe HOA Board Officer
2013 - 2017    Rutherford County Schools Outreach Volunteer
2015 - 2016    Nolensville Cub Scout Pack 297 Committee Member
2017 - 2021    Lebanon Cub Scout Pack 643 Committee Member
2022 - present    Scouts BSA Troop 2535 Committee Chair

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National Association of REALTORS®
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